Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Canterville Ghost

“The Canterville Ghost” is a short story written by Oscar Wilde. It is about the typical ghost who lives in a mansion and everybody is scare of him, so the mansion is frequently vacant.

Well, the story start changing when a family buys the big house, the ghost try hardly to scare them, but he can’t. The children more than scare, are laughing of the ghost; so as the father.
The ghost falls in a deeply depression. The woman, pained, helped to the ghost to find the peace in the dead.
I really like this story because it combines the typical horror story about ghosts and the comedy, but at the end it offer a strange way to became a happy person.
Besides, I have to say that I like Wilde’s writings in general, so this is just an example that I chose because it is a movie too and also a song.
The song that I really like too is sung by Sui Generis – an argentine duet- and talks about the moment that you realize you are being ignored by people. They ignore you because they are busy with their works and other kind of preoccupations.  
The relation of the story and the song is that in both, the main character is invisible for the rest of the people. Besides it coincides in the benefits of being a person who knows that is free because anyone is watching at him or her.
  Now please, read a part of the song (I traduce it, so I don’t hope it transmits all the meaning it has je je) :

“Nevertheless, I’m discarded,
And no one can remember me,
I’m walking thought the people

Just like the Canterville Ghost”


  1. I prefer the picture of Dorian Gray, but Oscar Wilde is Awesome! I read The canterville Ghost like when i was in my fourth grade. For the other side i like Sui Generis and the link between the two works makes sense.


  2. Oscar Wilde it's a great writer. I haven't read this short story but I hope!
