Wednesday, October 15, 2014

green people

A green person is someone who cares about the enviroment and the treatment that people have with it.

It is a practice about respect and equality with  nature, it is about knowing we need each other.
So it involves different practices which we can learn at home and school. For example, when my parents or teachers ttold me not to trash on the plants or when they made me take care of a bean, they were teaching me to be related with  nature.
Besides, at school we learn about the consequences of 'not been green' which can be the acid rain or greenhouse efect. The greenhouse efect can be good until it becames into global warming.
But it is hard to being green when there is easier to not being one, for example, recyclingis very easy, but I'm not very accustomed to do it, so I don't recycle too much.
Another way of being green is not using a car for transport, you can use a bike or you own legs, in my case, I prefer walking anyway I go.
I considere myself someone who cares about the enviroment but I haven't join to a organization to save the planet because I don't think it works that way. What I would like to do is to take advantage to the school by teaching more about the dependence that people have from earth, so we can take care naturally.
I think we have all forget this point. It is necesary to reduce our carbon footprint.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I'm agree with you, we have to care the naturally
