Wednesday, October 1, 2014

My future job

Hello everybody, today I'm supposed to talk about my future job - as you can see in the title-. But I have a small problem with that, because I don't know if I really want to work.
It may seems funny or typical, anybody wants to wake up at six o clock for do the exactly same thing every single day. Besides I don't like what a job represents, not it status, not its way of paying, not anything.
But anyway, we are living this life and I guess I'll have to work some day, so if I must choose, I would say that I prefer working outdoors. Closed places makes me mad. I like more living different experiences, and I think, working outdoor may offer more options of experiences.
Also, I would like to travel, to know other places seems perfect for the experiences I was talking about. Besides, it is perfectly related with being an Anthropologist (who I hope to became). By travelling, you can know other cultures and live other ways to live. It is basically what I would like to do (just not as a job).
I would like to learn what other people know, different people, who I'm not going to meet if I don't travel a lot.

So I want to learn forever, I hope that the fact of need a job for living doesn't mean I have to stop that. 

1 comment:

  1. Never stop learning! You can always be an anthropologist.
