Wednesday, November 5, 2014

2 0 1 4

It is common to make a recount when the year is finishing. Today we are just begging the month number eleven, but we are close to finish classes, so it is a good moment to make it.
This year has been very different from the rest of my life because it is my first year at the University and I had to move to another city and start knowing people again. There have been a lot of changes in my life, some of them have been good, and others weren’t good at all.
 So, this year I had to move to another house twice. I started January living in Talca, as always, but in February I was living in Rancagua; by April I was living in Santiago. It was difficult to learn living in other places but now I can look at the past and say: I’ve survived.
This situation has been a little bad because I don’t like too much living in a bedroom of other house, I feel like I interrupt their life and I can’t feel that room like ‘home’.
 But there is a good part too. In Santiago I’ve met nice people; in fact, I can say that this is the first time that I really like my friends. I used to meet people from my school, but I never really felt like I was in front of the funniest persons of the life. Now I do.
So I can say that this year I learned living under bad –not the worse- conditions at the same I made good friends.

However, there is still year and there are other things that rest to do, for example, I have like 500 pages for read before the year is over.


  1. Hi, I understand you because I'm from region too, it's difficult the first year but you have to survive :)

  2. Haha! is funny to read how you survived moving from one house to another. I'm happy that you have made good friends here in Santiago!

  3. is hard, but slowly you will get used
