Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Cultural Shock

Since an anthropologist point of view, a cultural shock could be a person who leaves his or her reality and normal life to get into other one. Or people who meet other different people; this would be a shock for both groups and could finish in other cultural group different from the previous.
I could say that I suffered a kind of cultural shock because I was born in Talca, then I lived in Antofagasta and Rancagua. Now I am living in Santiago. In every city I have seen different persons.
 It is true that in every places are people of all kind, but it is also true than there is a seal of culture on each city.
It is hard to suffer a cultural shock because you are not pretty sure of how you are supposed to act in a specific situation.
For example, the transport is different in every place. In Talca I can take busses until 10 o’clock, after that you must take a different kind of transportation (a more expensive one), in Rancagua any one is very expensive and there are few busses. In Santiago, there are busses at any hour.
You could think, then, Santiago is better, ¡but it has strange circuits! I’m trying to get used into their rounds, but it is very hard. Maybe it is because Santiago is so much bigger than Talca or Rancagua. 
Anyway, I am pretty sure I will leave this place to suffer another cultural shock again.


  1. Oh! that's a true experience of cultural shock! but, we want to be antrhopologist, so this would be very common in our lives.

    Goodbye c:

  2. I think in Talca, Antofagasta and Santiago like cities very differents, but I think that it was a experience very interesting too, not everyone can relate the same :)
