Wednesday, April 23, 2014


When I was a little kid I was afraid of any kind of animal, absolutely all of them scared me, but I began to feel better the day that I saw a little cat mistreated on the street, my family saw him too and we decided to adopt him, we called him Lili Campanita Princesa. Since that day, and since that cat I can't see an animal without loving them. Now I live with a dog and three cats, but I don't like the concept of pet, because I think that it denotes inferiority, and they are my equals, in other words they are my brothers and sisters.
So I define myself as an animal lover and I totally disagree with the use of animals in medical research, I know that because of that we have all these medicine and creams and other "necessary" things but I can't stop thinking: If these things are made to help humans, they must be tested on humans. What crime has an animal committed to be used for human benefice? I also think that there is not a single test  on animals that will not  hurt them, because just the fact of having them enclosed in a kind of laboratory is outrageous and makes me feel very mad. And of course I absolutely disagree with the practice of using animals for making coats or clothes in general because of the simply reason that if that would be right It would be right too to kill somebody and use his or her skin to cover mine.
I have never been bitten by any animal, when my animal brothers and sisters do it is because they are playing but they are considerate with my human weakness and they bit me gently.
If I could be another animal I would choose to be a cat, because they can be both lazy and rude during there life time. 

1 comment:

  1. I have a cat too! And I love it
    The name of your cat is so cute, the name of my cat is Manjar :D
