Wednesday, April 9, 2014


This is my first term of Anthropology at the University, and I'm taking six subjects: History - which is my favorite one -, Anthropology I, Biology, Archaeology I, Philosophy and English -the reason of this blog -. Also, I'm a member of some extracurricular activities like the line of inquiry of Anthropology of the education; I assist to some seminaries and workshops.
I have said that History is my favorite subject, so I want to talk about it. This is not a general History but Latino American History, and more specific, It is about the independence of Latino America as one big country, It teaches us things of the past to understand the present.
I hope for this term that I can pass all the subjects for continue studying what I like, at the same time I want to contribute something to the Education throw the line of inquiry, and my last desire is to have a great time at University. 


  1. Is very valuable want to contribute something to the Education. I support you with the idea!

  2. I agree with Macarena. You are doing an excelent work.
