Wednesday, April 2, 2014

My Life in a Few Words

Hi everyone, my name is Javiera, I was born in Talca, Chile, on December nineteen of 1995. So today I'm 18 years old and I'm studying at "Universidad de Chile" (University of Chile), but before I studied at Los libertadores de Chile and Santa Teresita as the elementary school, and I went to María Auxiliadora High School, where I met my best friend.
My family is from Talca -just as I am-, I am the second oldest of three kids that dind't grow up in just one city, we used to move a lot because we are a kind of nomadic family, that is why I've lived in Talca, Rancagua, Antofagasta, and today I'm living in Santiago, by myself, although I prefer my mother's companionship.
I can say about me that I really like drawing and painting, but more than that I love making some metal figures, I also enjoy reading and sharing some laughs with my friends and family. Now I am studying what I want to: Anthropology, so I can say that I'm having the time of my life.
I would like to tell  a few more things about me like that I love music but I'm really bad at it, I try playing the cuatro venezolano, but I never do that in public, the same happens with the things that I write, but maybe some day, when I fulfill my purpose of traveling around Latin-america I will be able to dare to share these things that make me tick.

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