Wednesday, April 23, 2014


When I was a little kid I was afraid of any kind of animal, absolutely all of them scared me, but I began to feel better the day that I saw a little cat mistreated on the street, my family saw him too and we decided to adopt him, we called him Lili Campanita Princesa. Since that day, and since that cat I can't see an animal without loving them. Now I live with a dog and three cats, but I don't like the concept of pet, because I think that it denotes inferiority, and they are my equals, in other words they are my brothers and sisters.
So I define myself as an animal lover and I totally disagree with the use of animals in medical research, I know that because of that we have all these medicine and creams and other "necessary" things but I can't stop thinking: If these things are made to help humans, they must be tested on humans. What crime has an animal committed to be used for human benefice? I also think that there is not a single test  on animals that will not  hurt them, because just the fact of having them enclosed in a kind of laboratory is outrageous and makes me feel very mad. And of course I absolutely disagree with the practice of using animals for making coats or clothes in general because of the simply reason that if that would be right It would be right too to kill somebody and use his or her skin to cover mine.
I have never been bitten by any animal, when my animal brothers and sisters do it is because they are playing but they are considerate with my human weakness and they bit me gently.
If I could be another animal I would choose to be a cat, because they can be both lazy and rude during there life time. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

My favorite piece of technology

I don't really like technology as we understand it, when we talk, for example, about touch technology or that kind of things, but I have to choice something, It has to be my computer because It accedes to so many information and gives me the opportunity of talk with people that I don't see every day. But the bad thing is that since I have the computer I am very dependent of it. I can't take a rest in home without open my computer for listen music.
I think that my computer could be really god for me the day that I learn to live without it, I'm working on it but it is hard when every single thing in these days happens in that "place".
I hope you have a favorite piece of technology that makes you happy, no dependent.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


This is my first term of Anthropology at the University, and I'm taking six subjects: History - which is my favorite one -, Anthropology I, Biology, Archaeology I, Philosophy and English -the reason of this blog -. Also, I'm a member of some extracurricular activities like the line of inquiry of Anthropology of the education; I assist to some seminaries and workshops.
I have said that History is my favorite subject, so I want to talk about it. This is not a general History but Latino American History, and more specific, It is about the independence of Latino America as one big country, It teaches us things of the past to understand the present.
I hope for this term that I can pass all the subjects for continue studying what I like, at the same time I want to contribute something to the Education throw the line of inquiry, and my last desire is to have a great time at University. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

My Life in a Few Words

Hi everyone, my name is Javiera, I was born in Talca, Chile, on December nineteen of 1995. So today I'm 18 years old and I'm studying at "Universidad de Chile" (University of Chile), but before I studied at Los libertadores de Chile and Santa Teresita as the elementary school, and I went to María Auxiliadora High School, where I met my best friend.
My family is from Talca -just as I am-, I am the second oldest of three kids that dind't grow up in just one city, we used to move a lot because we are a kind of nomadic family, that is why I've lived in Talca, Rancagua, Antofagasta, and today I'm living in Santiago, by myself, although I prefer my mother's companionship.
I can say about me that I really like drawing and painting, but more than that I love making some metal figures, I also enjoy reading and sharing some laughs with my friends and family. Now I am studying what I want to: Anthropology, so I can say that I'm having the time of my life.
I would like to tell  a few more things about me like that I love music but I'm really bad at it, I try playing the cuatro venezolano, but I never do that in public, the same happens with the things that I write, but maybe some day, when I fulfill my purpose of traveling around Latin-america I will be able to dare to share these things that make me tick.