Wednesday, August 27, 2014


I am in my first year of Anthropology and a lot of people have asked me about my motivation or why I decided studying this. I’m not very sure about the reasons.
In first place, I knew that I have to study because my parents has a horror to people who are not studying  , so I had to decide a career and an University to study in.
I started looking different careers and I discovered that I liked a lot of thing but anything to study so deeply, then I look for Anthropology which were not in any University of Talca (where I lived), then I look for University of Chile because people said it was great.
Anthropology had a lot of beards about things I am interested in such as culture, archeologist and education. I checked my decision coming to the Summer School of Anthropology and I thought I liked it.
I am studying this career now but I would like to study in courses in other careers too, so I can learn more during this year.

The next problem will be the job, not because the feel of the career, but my interested in it.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Visiting my country

If I have to visit another country I would like to visit one in Latin America. However, the place I really want to visit is located in Chile.
 I'm talking about Chiloe, the city of magic. Every legend or story I have listened in the south came from that place. Trauco, Tue- Tue, Caleuche and legendary superstitions are just stories where I live. I would like to know what people think about it in Chiloe.
I’ve listened stories from people that have gone before, they say that you can feel the magic in the air. In fact, there was a friend of a friend that got pregnant in Chiloe, she attributed it to Trauco. There was magical and  a bad excuse in my opinion. But it worked, because it happened in Chiloe.

I would like to knock around, meet people, and remain for a while in Chiloe. I wouldn’t stay to live there because the idea is to visit another places of Chile, and when I know it all, I could maybe visit another country.