Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Before begining this post I want to say that my file consist in living -not in a hippie way- but in a model than reflects my way of living like my principal interest. 
Taking this position, the expert I admire for her way of living is my mother, Mónica Arancibia. She is not just an expert for her age but due She has learned a lot of means for making life more pleasurable.
Mónica was born on March 26th of 1970, She was married but now She is single (or free, like She prefers to say) and She has 3 childrens.
She studied accountancy beacuase my grandfather asked her to, but She never work in that, instead Mónica decided to take care of her family. A lot of years later, this beautiful woman studied for learn about nursing, but not for a degree, so She left this studies. Also is important to me to emphasize in the knowledge that my mother acquierd from my grandmother because they are the most influential of our lifes.
For example, my mother taught me than we can save what we have in plenty to bartering later. She also performed a great job with the teaching of her childrens, demonstrating how education is more than a structure.
I really love this woman, because She has learned how to self-sustaining, fact that I considere a hackagainst the system.

You can see her, in the middle of the photo.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


I have read a lot of books in my life, I don't know how many, I just know that I began loving them because my mother read me and took me to books fairs. When I was a child I loved so much a special book -which name I've forgotten- that I memorized a complete section of it. It said something like :
" -¡Help, help!
-Mom, did you listen it?
- Don't invent thing and eat your soup"
I used to feel glade She didn't obey her mother, because that scream of help was because the girl was closed to eat some of the persons that lived in her soup. It was a strange story, but I really liked it.
Nowadays my favorite writer is Julio Cortázar, I'm intrigued by his way to write and his topics. I guess that I keep in the way of the oddity, because the books that I like the most are about persons becoming insects (that one is written by Franz Kafka) or people that die putting a sweater on him.
In special I like the short stories than show big improbable words, for example, "A yellow flower"  by my mentioned favorite writer is about a man who discover than we are immortal,  the bad part is that He knows it because He is not immortal anymore. The difference with other writers is that Cortázar says that the immortality is about other persons who lives the same that we live but according to their time.
The most special thing in the Cortázar's stories are the environments and the big possibility for the personage to die.