Sunday, June 22, 2014

My experience using blogs in the English class

In general I don't really like write posts, mostly because I suck using the computer and I don't understand how to use blogs, but I've tried to do it and have fun while I'm writing. However, I have to recognize that I've learned a few things of redaction but I would like, in the future, that We could talk about topics more relational with Anthropology, because I feel that I'm learning what teachers wanted to teach me in school (every year of school) and in the way they were trying to teach.
I just want to say that I appreciate what they were trying to teach me here, but if We compare it whit learning Spanish, I would still be in third grade.
I hope, in the future I can use English like a tool -if I use it, I sincerely prefer learning a less homogenizing language- and I can't be learning verbs all my life if I want to do that.
So for the future, I would like to internalize on English, that We speak in english, learning new topics more relationed with the career, and eventually, learn more verbs and concepts. That will be unavoidable.
Based on the above said, I would like to write, not about but in the same way, that papers and studies for learning their structures and concepts more used, I think that could be very productive.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


We all have listen about zombies, so in few words we could say that a zombies are persons that are not live anymore, but they are not dead neither. Zombies eat other humans (that is the main reason that explain why they are so terrifying) and can not walk over the sunshine.
The first time I heard about them was the first time I watched a movie about zombies, so I guess it was when I first watched "Dracula".
We can say that they are terrifying which is a bad thing, but they have good things too, for example, they join humans for a common cause.
I think zombies could eventually exist considering all the weird things that human are making happen, and I think that is the same reason that explain why some people believe in them even now. But I can not confirm it because I do not know anyone who has join to a zombie cult.
Zombies has never scared me, in fact, It excites me, the idea of a war against zombies, and that is the opinion that I have heard the most, nobody has told me that they are afraid of them.
There is a person that remind me a zombie who is my brother, because He spent so many time at the computer that He can't see the sunshine or walk like a normal person yet. He is like a zombie who feeds of the computer.